Christmas really is the best time of year! The holiday spirit and the magic of Christmas is something you can’t get any other time. With all that comes with Christmas, it is also a busy time of year. There is shopping, baking, card making, cleaning, traveling and so on. Sometimes it is hard to really remember the true meaning of Christmas. That is why today at Sincerely Jean we are bringing you 12 ways to keep Christ, who is the whole reason why we celebrate this special time of year, at the center of our home and holiday.
“How will we worship Him this season? Endlessly shopping? Hustling about and adorning our homes? Will that be our tribute to our Savior? Or will we bring peace to troubled hearts, goodwill to those in need of higher purpose, glory to God in our willingness to do His bidding? Jesus put it simply, ‘Come, and follow me.’ ”
-Elder Ronald A. Rasband
12 Ways to Keep Christ the Center of Christmas
- Scripture Advent Calendar: This is a great way to count down the days to Christmas. Stick a verse of scripture in every pocket for the 24 days leading up to christmas, its fun to add some candy to the pocket as well. Each day, pull it out and read the verse remembering Christ through out the day. Which verses should you choose? Here you can find a free printable of verses that is already for you to cut out.
- White Stocking: Throughout the Christmas season you hang up a white stocking for Christ along with all the other family stockings. The days leading up to Christmas everyone puts in slips of paper with acts of kindness they did written on it. It can be the simplest little thing or even a thought. Then on Christmas morning you read all the slips of paper as your gift to Christ. You can find a pretty white stocking here.
- Christmas Caroling: Go caroling as a family. Every year while growing up we did this as a family. Sometimes it was like pulling teeth getting us all to want to sing but at the end we were always happier. Wether at a hospital, elderly home, or friends. It brings joy to others, which is serving.
- 12 Days of Christmas: I absolutely love this one! Our really close friends use to do this at Christmas time. You pick a family and starting at the countdown for 12 days of christmas you leave something at the door anonymously. For example the fifth day you leave five glazed donuts for five golden rings. There are many different version but it is the cutest thing.
- Holiday Baking: Sometimes it can be hard to hype yourself up for all the baking that is usually done around this time of year. But bringing it to different families or people who are in need of uplifting is so worth it at the end. I always love receiving treats hehe so in return I love giving them as well.
- Nativity’s: I feel like the most beautiful and meaningful decoration to have around the house through out the holiday is a nativity set. Whether you have many different ones or just one simple one. Either way, it reflects the the true meaning of Christmas and you can see it every day in your home. My family always acted out the nativity scene on Christmas Eve with our extended family. I feel like this actually brings it to real life and makes it more meaningful. If your looking for a nativity set this Christmas my absolute favorite is the Willow Tree nativity. You can find the set Willow Tree Nativity Set
, Willow Tree The Three Wisemen
,Willow Tree Shepherd and Stable Animals
- Birth of Jesus: We always did this while growing up and my parents would sometimes get some moans and groans but looking back I am so thankful they did it. Every Christmas morning before going down stairs to see what Santa brought us, we would meet in our parents room to read the birth of Christ from the scriptures. It helped remind us of why we were celebrating this special day.
- Go see Live Broadcasts: Many religions have Christmas broadcast you and your family can go to or watch on t.v. There are also things throughout the community that help us remember Christ such as live Nativities. My family usually goes every year and it is so fun. Kids love to go pet the live animals afterwards too.
- Listen to Religious Christmas Music: There is nothing better than listening to Christmas music to get you into the holiday spirit. Music has such a powerful influence and can effect our mood in many different ways. In our home we try to incorporate Christ centered Christmas music as well. We at Sincerely Jean wanted to share some of our favorites. Merry Christmas
, All Is Bright,
Mary, Did You Know?
, The Perfect Gift
, Christmastime.
- Videos and Movies: Christmas movies are the best but when watching movies that illustrate the real meaning of Christmas it can’t get any better. Our favorites are The Nativity Story
, Joy To The World
, The Ultimate Christmas Collection
- Christmas Gifts for a Family in Need: My family did this while growing up and it really is the best feeling to give to others in need. We would choose a family who we knew were in need and became a secret Santa for them. We kept this secret just within the family. We went shopping for them and wrapped their presents. On Christmas Eve we dropped a big basket off at their house, rang their door bell and ran. We would drive around a couple minutes later to make sure they were home and had received the basket. It was the most wonderful feeling to be a apart of and I am so glad my family did this.
- Christ Centered Christmas Books: A great way to keep Christ the center of Christmas is to read books about him. Many people like to do 25 or 12 days of books for their kids and each day they open one and read it. Or you can just buy a couple and read them to your family for a bed time story. There are so many cute ones out there.
Some of our favorites are Christmas in the Manger
, God Gave Us Christmas
, Room for a Little One: A Christmas Tale
, Lift the Flap Nativity
,Humphrey’s First Christmas
, and A Christmas Goodnight
We hope you enjoy this special time of year with your family and friends. I love Christmas and love how close I feel to Christ this time of year by remembering the real reason why we celebrate this holiday.
“It’s not about presents, it’s about His presence.”
Merry Christmas!
patti jean
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Such a good message to keep in mind! Thanks for the good ideas 🙂
Thanks for your comment Sarah! We are glad you liked it!