Step 2. Use the tape measure to measure your forehead, cheeks, and jaw at the widest points.
Oval-your width to length ratio is 1 1/2
Long-your width to length ratio is more than 1 to 1 1/2
Round-forehead, cheekbones, and jaw are equal, round jaw, soft features, your width to length ratio is 1 to 1
Square-forehead, cheekbones, and jaw are equal, sharp jawline, angular features, your width to length ratio is 1 to 1 OR 1 to 1 1/2
Heart-wider at the forehead and more narrow at the jawline, possible pointy chin, looks like inverted triangle
Diamond-widest at your cheekbones, jawline and forehead are the same length
Choosing your sunglasses based on your face shape:
Oval-this face shape can pretty much wear any shape…lucky you!
Long-avoid small frames, look for square or rectangle shapes
Round-angular frames look best to add definition and accentuate your bone structure, square shapes
Square-circular, soft shapes to balance out the strong jawline
Heart-Aviator frames look the best to soften and balance your features, choose frames that broaden the jawline
Diamond-choose curved frames like oval or cat eye to widen the face and balance the jaw line