Hey Sistas! Today I am sharing with you my list of baby must haves for your little one. I am excited to meet this second baby boy of ours, and making this list puts me a little more at ease knowing that these things will help ‘baby’ and our family transition a little smoother.
- Owlet Baby Monitor: Okay, I am so excited to use my Owlet Baby Monitor. With my first, I had so much anxiety and stress that he would stop breathing or that something would happen to him. Even when I had the opportunity to sleep, I wouldn’t. The Owlet Baby Monitor is the first smart baby monitor of its kind that uses hospital technology—pulse oximetry—designed to alert you if your baby stops breathing. I think this will really help with me being able to relax a little more and I can’t wait to use it! Use our link here to get $10 off your Owlet Baby Monitor.
- Carter White Onesies: My favorite onesies are the Carter’s white onesies
. They are long and skinny and fit a baby really well. I like getting white because they match, and they are bleachable.
- Swaddle Blankets: We’ll see if this babe likes to be swaddled. My first loved it and I loved getting to swaddle him. I am excited for my Ollie Swaddle because I have heard wonders about it. I love their colors and the success stories people have had from them. I also love cute snuggly swaddle blankets. My favorite are muslin blankets from aden + anais.
- Stroller: Okay, so when I had my first baby, my mom was trying to talk me into getting a double stroller right off the bat. I refused saying that there is no way my babies will be close enough for me to need a double stroller. So I got the Britax travel system and I loved it, but now I am totally wishing I would have gotten a double stroller. I got rid of my Britax and bought another one, so I felt like I was losing money. But, I am so excited for my new stroller. After a lot of research and talking to other mommas out there, I decided to go with the Baby Jogger City Select with 2nd Seat,
It has great reviews and I think it will be a prefect fit for our family. It also has a glider board that I think my first boy will love.
- Baby Carrier: I love using baby carriers around the house and when we are out & about. I have this one
and I absolutely love it! I love the heather grey color, the cost, and how cute it is.
- Milkies Milk Saver: So some of my friends swear by this! While you’re nursing on one side, the Milkies Milk-Saver
goes on the other side and collects all the breast milk that leaks. Genius! I am so excited to use it.
- Nose Frida: This makes life so much easier when baby is sick or just has a stuffed up nose. I love the FridaBaby Nasal Aspirator
. At first, I thought the idea was gross, but I am so thankful for it. It is for sure a must-have in our house.
- Rock n Play: I am so excited to use my Rock n Play Newborn Auto Rock ‘n Play Sleeper
. I have not used it yet, so I am hoping I love it just as much as everyone else does. I love that it is on an incline, that it vibrates, and that it doesn’t take up too much room. I am really excited for it.
- Boppy: Life saver! I love my Boppy Nursing Pillow
. It makes nursing and holding baby so much more comfortable.
- Hats and Bows: Little hats for baby boy are a must have for me. I love little beanies on boys. I really like the Baby Gap ones.
- Leggings and Socks: Babies in leggings are my weakness. They are so cute and of course you need baby socks for those tiny little feet.
- Car Seat Cover: I am really excited for my carseat/nursing cover that I am going to use! It’s “The City” by Copper Pearl
and I am already obsessed.
- Swing: I think swings are a hit or miss for babies. My first loved his and it kept me sane!
- Pacifiers: What I like to do for pacifiers is to not go crazy on buying them at first. I wait to see what kind the baby likes and then go buy them. My first baby loved these.
- Diaper Bag: Some women can get away with keeping their purses and fitting everything into them, but not me! I have so much stuff, so I have to have a big diaper bag. I can’t wait to break into my new diaper bag from Fawn Design.
Babies are the best and all the things that come with them! We can’t wait for our sweet bundle to get here.
patti jean
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