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Merry Christmas Eve! I can’t believe it is already here! Today I am sharing our family traditions & looks for Christmas. What are your traditions? Have they been the same traditions since you were a child or has your family created new ones?

Taking a family Christmas photo is a must in our house! I bought the boys the cutest Christmas sweaters this year. I am wearing my go to lately which are leggings, a dress, and boots. & my current favorite purse from Hammit. I love this purse! The color is just gorgeous and so many people have stopped me to ask were its from. Find it here at Zappos + so many other great finds.

Christmas Eve starts off as a typical day. I try to get everything done before this day so that it won’t be so stressful and I can just focus on being with my family. The night time is where the fun begins. We always start with dinner, which has been fettuccine alfredo for the last couple of years. So Delish! and then we play games. It is usually minute to win it games and we always have fun prizes.
We then open up some gifts. When I was growing up it was always Christmas jammies and an ornament. But Kai and I have decided to do jammies December 1st and then on Christmas Eve we do an ornament and a book. Next we act out the Christmas Nativity with the kids. I always love this part, singing carols and reading from the bible with my family is always a highlight. Something we did while growing up that was one of my favorites was watching old family home videos. We have some great videos of my parents and the four of us kids growing up. We end the night by reading Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Christmas morning we wake up sooooo early hehe and unwrap gifts, eat cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and have fun with our new things the rest of the day. We always have a ham dinner and by the end of the night we are spent! Traditions are what make Christmas to me. They are the things I always remember when looking back at pervious Christmas’s.

We are all prepped and ready for today. With our festive looks + the cutest Hammit bag from Zappos. We are ready for Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas spent with ones you love and cherish.