I have always LOVED strawberry freezer jam! I have been using this recipe for quite awhile now and it is delicious! It’s so easy and quick to make. And who doesn’t love easy recipes?

Strawberry Freezer Jam
2015-07-09 21:59:35
- 2 Cups mashed strawberries
- 4 Cups white sugar
- 1 Box of Sure Jell Pectin (or any pectin)
- 6 or 7 (8oz) mason jars.
- Grab your strawberries, rinse them really good and cut the ends off.
- Place strawberries in a bowl and with a meat grinder or any kind of smashing device mash up your strawberries. You want two cups. I usually mash them and measure in my quart size liquid measurer. Mash them to your likeness, my family likes it a little more chunkier so I leave it that way.
- Place in bowl and add your 4 cups of sugar. Make sure to measure right 🙂
- Once you have your strawberry sugar mix, start the pectin. Follow the directions on the back. You usually add 3/4 cup water to your box of pectin. I like to use Sure Jell pectin.
- Mix well and place over stove on high. Stir until it boils and then continue stirring while it boils for 1 minute.
- Immediately pour into strawberry sugar mixture. Mix for about 4 minutes.
- Fill your 8oz mason jars, I fill to the clear line where the rim starts because it can expand in the freezer. Make sure you wipe of any excess on the rims.
- Screw on lids and leave them a room temperature for 24 hours.
- Then Freeze!
- The general rule is that they will last about a year in the freezer and 3 weeks in the fridge.
Sincerely Jean https://sincerelyjean.com/
My family devours this jam as soon as it is made and there are so many things you can eat it with.
patti jean
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