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It is Kai’s Birthday in less than a week. He can’t believe he is going to be 31! According to our boys we are getting old over here hehe. I love celebrating him and I just couldn’t wait to give him one of his birthday presents early. When I saw this brief case from Bosca, I just had to buy it for him and he ended up loving it! If your looking for a gift idea for the hubby grab this at Zappos. He will love it!

I knew that this Bosca leather brief case would be perfect for him for work or for church. He is definitely an organizer and to have something specifically to keep his things in order is great for him. He loves the sleek feel and the rich brown color that the leather gives. The amount of pockets and zippers it has makes it very functional and easy to access all of your things.
I grabbed some other gifts for him from Zappos as well but he will just have to wait for his actual birthday to get those!

Do you love to celebrate birthdays?! Growing up birthdays were a big deal in our house. My parents always made it super special and made it feel like it was our day. Needless to say when my first birthday came around when Kai and I were first married he had some big shoes to fill hehe. I do the same for him though. He didn’t grow up making big deals of birthdays so to him he doesn’t care to much to celebrate but that is out of the question for me!

We love celebrating our daddy! He is just the best and does so much for our family. We are so grateful for him and cant wait to spoil him some more.