Our families’ favorite treats are OREOS! We have made some great memories just by sitting together as a family while having an OREO dunking party.

When we found out that the Mystery Oreo flavor came out for the year we ran to the store to try them. There is a great buy one get one free deal right now with the ibotta app. So, of course, we got two packages hehe. I found them in the cookie aisle at Walmart.

We had such a blast trying to guess the mystery flavor. My boys thought it was the funnest thing trying to guess the flavor to see who could get it right! Krew thought the flavor was cinnamon waffles, Chet thought they tasted like candy, and Kai thought they tasted like teddy grahams. We will see if our taste buds were correct.

I hope as the boys get older we continue this special little ritual! I just love how it gets our boys to open up and we have had some great family conversations over OREO dunking parties.

This post is sponsored by Oreo, but all opinions are my own