This post is sponsored by Gerber, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

We just love our happy baby so much! He is almost 6 months old! Oh how time flies. He is getting so big and he brings so much joy into our family!
We all go through different stages with our babies and I am grateful for each one of those even during the hard ones! When Cal was first born, feedings were not the easiest for us. He would cry a lot and rip off and sometimes he would get really frustrated and I just sometimes didn’t know what to do.

Then enter in Gerber® Good Start® GentlePro formula! We have had the best experience with this formula. I wanted to start supplementing with formula at times but I wanted to find the right formula. One that would be good for his tummy. Gerber GentlePro is the first and only infant formula with 2′-FL HMO* and Probiotics that promote digestive health and support the immune from the start, so I felt really good about it. You can grab it here at Target.

Having healthy tummies and happy babies makes the world of difference. At times we had to navigate through this with Cal. We just wanted him to be our happy little baby. The first six months are so important for baby’s still-developing digestive and immune systems. But we worked through it and figured it out!

I am so glad I had the reassurance of Gerber GentlePro. At times when nursing was just too hard for both of us, I knew I was giving Cal the best formula – one that had unique probiotics and prebiotics similar to breastmilk. This helps improve the balance of good bacteria in tiny tummies! Gerber GentlePro also has Comfort Proteins® which are small proteins that are easy for tiny tummies to digest. It gives me such peace of mind that he still is getting the best.

*Human Milk Oligosaccharide. Not from Human Milk.