Seems like valentines day candy came out in stores the day after Christmas. To those who have a SO (significant other), we recently posted some great simple ideas. For those of you who consider valentines day to be the “least best” holiday of the year, we have 5 suggestions for you on how to still have a wonderful day. And hey, at least chocolate will be on sale starting 2/15!
1. Go out with friends
Round up your fabulous single friends and go get sushi, rent a redbox, or even just go get some coldstone. Being around your friends will make you laugh, smile, and forget about anything else.
2. Treat yourself
Take the money that you would have spent on a SO and spend it on yours truly. Buy those heels you’ve had your eye on or sign up for that hot yogas class. You deserve a nice present on valentines day too.
3. Visit your family members
It is always uplifting to be around those who love you no matter what kinds of relationship it is!!
4. Go to a single’s event
There are lots of events now on valentines day that allow singles to mingle. Find an event in your area, grab a friend, and go have fun. You never know, you may find a 2016 valentine.
5. Get out of town
This year, valentines day falls on a Saturday. It is a great excuse for a weekend getaway with some close friends. Split a hotel, split that gas, and head on out.
When all else fails, buy a puppy! #puppylove
tami jean
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