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Our family loves playing in the snow! We always take advantage when there is snow around. Being outdoors and enjoying the beauty of the mountains with the fresh fallen snow is good for the soul.

Kai has recently found his passion for skiing so we have been making an effort of getting up to the mountain whenever we can. When being in the snow you have to be prepared. Especially with littles, that last thing you want is for them to be cold and crying. So, today I am sharing with you some tips for a family snow trip.

My first tip is to have the right clothing. This is such an essential part of a good snow trip and makes all the difference. We use SPYDER brand. They have top notch quality and provide the most warm and functional snow clothes. And also cute!
Sometimes its hard to find flattering snow clothes but SPYDER has us covered. They have so many great styles for all ages of a family. I am currently obsessed with my snow bib, jacket and beanie. Find them at Zappos!

Another tip is that it’s all about making memories. Get out there and play with each other. Build a snowman, make snow angles, have a snowball fight! It’s so refreshing to just unplug from the world and spend some quality family time together.
We always end our snow outing with of course some hot chocolate. The boys favorite and has now become a tradition whenever there is snow involved. And that’s my last tip, build traditions. Traditions mean so much even if it dosent seem like it at the time. Looking back at my childhood the traditions are what I remember the most and what I want to continue with my own family.

What is your most favorite memory in the snow? I would love to hear it! And remember to find all the best snow clothes at Zappos this winter.