Egg and Avacado Toast - Breakfast, fast, healthy, skinny, fitness, 5 minutes, avocado toast, eggs

Egg & Avocado Toast


  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 2 pieces whole grain wheat toast
  • 2 Eggs
  • dash of salt
  • dash of pepper


  1. In a sprayed frying pan crack your eggs gently onto the pan. Cook until sides start to turn crispy and egg yolk is firming up a bit. You still want yolk to be liquid but cooked enough. 

  2. While egg is cooking toast your bread. Once toasted take half of an avocado and smash it up. Spread half of it on one piece of toast and the other half on the other piece. 

  3. Add a dash of salt to each piece or until your liking.

  4. Place egg on top of avocado and add another dash of salt and pepper.