Okay, lately I have been loving geometric decorations! A couple weeks ago I bought new night stands so I was on the hunt for some new decor but I was on a budget. I decided I wanted to make a geometric orb instead of buying one. I am so happy I did because I loved the turnout and it only cost me $1.00!
Items needed:
- Paper straws (mine our from target dollar section) or find them at Michaels
- Wire
- Rust-Oleum Metallic Finish
- I first started off by cutting my paper straws in half so they ended up being 4.5 inches long.
- You are going to use your wire to string together a triangle. Throughout this whole project you’ll be be repeating the process of stringing your straws and wrapping your wire off, always make sure your you keep your wire tight.
- I started with my first triangle and I wrapped off the wire like you can see in the picture above.
- String 2 more straws to the bottom of your first triangle
- This is a pentagon orb so we need 5 triangles for each face of the orb. Add on your straws like shown above.
- Now when you go to put your last straw on to finish the pentagon the middle will rise and make it a 3’d shape.
- You are going to need to add three more triangle to your 3’d pentagon like shown above. When you go to put that last bottom straw on, the center will lift making the new 3’d shape shown below.
- From here you are just going to continue adding triangles to your shape. Remember that each side needs 5 triangle to make a pentagon. So you can see that on the left side of the image above, it already has three triangles, you will need to add two more. The same for the right side. When those sides are done it will stream into another pentagon. Keep continuing until it starts to curve around into an orb.
- I realized that on one of the sides I made a hexagon and I had to go back and pull out a straw. So just remember 5 triangles to make a pentagon!
- Once finished I used my Rust-Oleum Spray paint in Metalic Finish. You can find in here
. I put about 3 coats on it, letting it dry really well between coats.
I absolutely loved the turnout! It was so easy and inexpensive to make. It goes perfect with my night stand decor that I found all white staying on a budget. This project for sure helped me with staying on my budget because it cost me $1.00! You can find my Nightstand Decor on a Budget here.
Enjoy your super easy and inexpensive DIY Geometric Decor for $1!
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